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          Did you happen to be an avid reader of children's books like Siruvar Malar, Gokulam, Chutti Vikatan in the 90's? 'Madhanakamarasan' comic strips, stories of a 'Sooniyaa Kaari' wanting a 'Maragadha' stone, a small girl battling a giant, Vedhaalam, prophecies, talking birds, helping animals, kidnapped 'ilavarasi', 'Raatchasan' guarding a mountain, the tiny 'Chithirakullargal', cursing witches, cursed people, and a hero who finally defeat the evil forces, marry the princess, and ultimately become the king? Well, I did, and that's the precise reason why I thoroughly enjoyed 'Puli'. It was a nostalgic moment watching all my childhood fantasies coming true in the big screen, and I was very much comfortable with all the magical elements in the film. Thank you 21st century.

          'Puli' is definitely not Chimbudevan's best, but my favourite director didn't disappoint me. It's unfortunate that it was expected to do justice to the 'mass' factor(or may be it was marketed so), and to be in line with the taste of youth. No, it simply isn't. Adding to that, the cyber war between the fans highly underrated the movie. Many kids were present inside the theatre, who enjoyed the film along with me.

          To the children's pulp literature, when you add an unwanted song, few hip shakes, and somewhat ill-matched background score, that's 'Puli' for you. Don't mind about the presence of a group among the audience who come either to witness the 'mass' of Vijay or to ridicule him. Parents, go with your kids and introduce them to the world which you are familiar with since your childhood. They truly deserve that.

P.S.: It's highly ridiculous and outrageous to comment that Devi Sri Prasad copies from his own old songs. I heard a music from 'Aaranya Kaandam' in this film.


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